Monday, November 11, 2013

Differences: Exploration #11

This was definitely my favorite assignment so far from the book, How To Be An Explorer Of The World: Portable Art Life Museum by Keri Smith. It's in the mid-fifties this morning and the perfect day to do an outdoor task.

Exploration #11


Collect multiples of one thing (such as leaves, stones, shells, seeds, etc.). Lay them out in front of you. Observe them in detail. Using the "object log", list the differences you see. Try to find at least twenty-five things.

I decided to collect leaves. It might not seem as though I was very creative when choosing my subject, but with all of the beautiful fall leaves decorating the ground I had to take advantage. I grabbed a bag and headed down my street. A short twenty minute walk later and I had made my selection. I went home and set about arranging them for observation.

Leanne's Leaves

Page 1 Object Log

Page 2 Object Log

It was nice to get into a childlike mind frame and look at each leaf as if for the first time. I smelled each leaf too. They had different odors that seemed to fall in line with the color. I didn't write any descriptives for the smells because I couldn't find words that did them justice. 

While I was walking I noticed a really beautiful magnolia tree. I had never seen one that big in the Ozarks. It was probably 25 feet tall. As I stood looking at it the home owner came out of the house and said I could take as many leaves and seed pods as I wanted. I grabbed a leaf (#17 in observation log) and a seed pod, thanked her, and returned home. Maybe I will plant a few of the seeds and see what happens. When I was done writing down my assignment, I put the leaves in a clear bowl and decided I'll keep them for a while.

The leaves in a bowl

The imagination needs moodling- Long, inefficient happy idling, dawdling, and puttering. -Brenda Ueland

~ Love & Light ~

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