Wednesday, January 20, 2016

2016: Year Of The Red Monkey

A new year is upon us and that means it's time for a post about the Chinese zodiac. Chinese New Year begins on February 8th during the new moon and I am ready for the shift in energy. For the past two years I have incorporated the Chinese zodiac into my altar. In 2014, the year of the wood horse, I placed a small wooden box painted with a horse on the lid from my childhood, and in 2015 a small sheep cast of iron for the year of the sheep/goat. I liked having these small symbols upon the altar as a visual reminder of the influences affecting all of us. I've decided to go ahead and do the same in 2016 and have chosen a small hand blown glass monkey from the miniatures collection my mother gave to me. 

I found a great description of the monkey and its influence at

"Full of strength and determination, Fire Monkeys are excellent at not only setting goals, but in meeting them as well. Others enjoy being in the company of Fire Monkeys, even though these Monkeys want the upper hand in every situation.
The positive and negative quality of the Monkey Year 2016 culminate in a year that anything can happen. There is little point in storing up goods or planning one’s life. The influence of the Monkey puts everything into flux. Things will get accomplished, but largely through personal and individual efforts. Group movements, such as political upheaval or revolutions, will not make a mark during this year.
This cheeky animal bursts with exuberance, bringing a lightening fast pace and fantastical motivation. The Monkey increases communication, humor and wit, helping us get through stressful times with grace and ease. Business flourishes and risks tend to pan out. The Monkey’s gift is the ability to find unconventional solutions to old problems. Daring to be different can lead to success.
Talk is fast and cheap though, so be on the alert for deceptions. With so much mental energy zapping around, everyone needs to re-think their fitness program, diet and health plan. If you don’t have one, you definitely need to instigate some form of regular physical activity this year. The body was designed to move! Honor it! Stress needs to be burned off by going to the gym, swimming, yoga, water aerobics, dance, martial arts, team sports, tennis or long walks. When was the last time you did any of these things?
Although a lively, optimistic and progressive year where finances, politics, and real estate should see an upturn, there will be a decided undercurrent of insecurity. Everyone wants to work the shrewdest angle, get the best deal, and win big. However, business decisions made this year should be based on fact, not emotion. Problems and chicanery abound, so nothing this year should be taken for granted, whether politically, financially, professionally, domestically or emotionally.
A particularly auspicious time for new inventions, the Year of the Monkey is for taking risks and being rebellious, a year where agile, inventive minds, sheer guts and bravado will win out. Now is the time of courage, action, anarchy, and true devotion to even the wildest of schemes, a time to start new endeavours, for they are destined to succeed under Monkey’s influence. But a word to the wise: those who can hang on for the wild ride, outsmart the confidence-trickster, and bluff their way through will come out unscathed. Those who are dull or slow witted, and can’t handle the stress will come unglued.
On the individual level, do go ahead with your life. Move forward, make strides, and stretch out for what may lay ahead. The Year Of The Monkey 2016 is a time for business considered as risky, and here the seeds of unplanned success lays. Run with ideas, embrace the inventive, and don’t look back.
Remember that this year will reward the individual effort and those who place their trust in the group collective will face disappointment."
Little point in planning one's life? Works for me! One of the challenges I have faced after Fox was born is letting go of my rigid daily schedule/routine. With an infant the idea of a routine is almost laughable and I welcome the chance to practice flexibility, and do things differently to reach my visions and goals. It might also be the year to revamp this blog or start fresh with a different focus. 
I admit I will probably be pushed out of my comfort zone this year. I'm not the first to jump at taking risks, but as I read more about the monkey influence I'm sensing this will be an awesome year for my husband! Mark is a gutsy risk taker, one of the many reasons I love him, and I have a strong feeling this year is going to be good to him. As for me and Fox, I picture new endeavors here on the home front. One thing is certain; I am going to do my best to be present for every last drop of every last minute because lately time has a way of racing by so fast that I find myself wishing I had a pause button. This year, no matter how crazy, I'm going to embrace it all.
~ Love & Light ~

1 comment:

  1. I am a monkey. Are you? Does it mean anything to be a monkey in the year of the monkey?
