Saturday, October 5, 2013

Replenish on the Historic Square in Ozark

This past week provided summer-like temperatures, and my friend Cynarra and I took a trip to the square in Ozark to peruse the local shops and enjoy the sunshine. We grabbed drinks at a coffee shop and walked around exploring. The fall goodies and decor are out on display and we saw many fun things. Once we had our fill of window shopping we decided to head back to Chigger Chalet and relax on the deck. When we arrived at my car, I noticed I had parked in front of a shop called Replenish. I had admired the window display of this place before when Mark and I had been on the square for the Farmers Market. Cynarra and I decided to go inside and check it out.

Love the window display

We entered and a fresh clean scent hit us. This was a bath and body product store! It smelled delicious and not overbearing like the gag-inducing places at the mall. A man greeted us and told us that everything in the store was made on site. He showed us around and explained what was going on at the different stations. In one area you can fill bottles with the handmade shampoo or lotion and pay per ounce. Bring your bottle back when you're ready for more, or bring your own container.

Cynarra looking at the shampoo

Turn the handle and fill your bottle

I was drawn to a table displaying hand poured candles in holiday scents. They were on sale for five dollars each! (or four dollars if you bought more than one) They looked like candles that retailed for fifteen dollars at other places. I quickly grabbed three and went to place them at the register and continue shopping. At the register I met another gentleman who introduced himself as Lance Renfroe. He and his wife, Wendy Renfroe, started the business in 2006. They began selling their wares online and had enough success to open a storefront. I left the candles with Lance and continued to browse. He told us that plain bath salts are offered with a selection of pure essential oils. You pick your scents to create your own unique bath experience. I immediately thought that sounded like a great gift idea! Dried flowers and herbs displayed in beautiful glass jars are also there to add to your creations if you wish. 

Flowers for the bath

On the other side of the store was a station for making your own lotions or body wash. The station is low to the ground and very kid friendly. Choose your base, scent, and even add glitter if you fancy! 

Creation station

Lance says that they plan to start offering soap making classes in the space upstairs and Cynarra and I both thought that would be something fun to come back and try. What a beautiful little local shop! 

Everything needed for a luxurious bath experience

With not much time left before Cynarra needed to pick up her kids from school, I paid for my candles, popped a shea butter body treatment sample into my bag, and thanked Lance for showing us around. As we walk out the door I'd already decided to blog about Replenish in the hopes that you too will pay them a visit.

Front Desk

The responsible bath, body & home boutique
109 N. 2nd st.
Ozark, MO. 65721

~Love & Light ~

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