Tuesday, December 29, 2015

After The Birth: Postpartum Challenges

I thought about if I would write this for days. I don't want the blog to be a place that feels negative; but after much contemplation I decided to tell my story. I think that other women (and their partners) who have a less than perfect postpartum period need to hear that they aren't alone.

I think I will start by saying that my pregnancy was a breeze. I didn't experience any of the first trimester nausea, the hormones actually made me feel good, my hair and skin looked great, I encountered no health complications and I was doing yard work, shopping, etc. up until the day my son was born. Sure, I had some heartburn and once I was the size of a house my back ached but overall I had a wonderful pregnancy. I really enjoyed it and felt a deep connection to my baby before I ever met him.

About a week before my due date I noticed I was leaking a very small amount of watery fluid. I noted the change but being so close to my due date I guessed it was normal. To be safe I called a nurse and was told I was fine and that it was typical of many women. I felt fine and put it out of my mind. Three days before my due date, I was leaking enough fluid to worry me. What if this is amniotic fluid? I dreaded the idea of going to labor and delivery to potentially receive unwelcome news but I hadn't come this far to let something go wrong. Mark and I packed our hospital bags "just in case" and headed to the hospital.

It took no time at all for the fluid to be identified as amniotic fluid. The bag housing my child and the fluid that was his current world had ruptured and was slowly leaking. I was told I would be admitted and induced. I couldn't leave. It was happening now.

I know a lot of women would have been happy and excited at that point; and really I was so ready to meet my son, but I wanted it to happen naturally, I wanted my body to decide when my labor began. I had said from day one that I would not allow pitocin during my birthing process to encourage contractions and here I was, three days away from my the due date being told I needed to do just that. I had already been leaking fluid for days and if I lost enough it could be devastating for my baby. How could I refuse knowing that? Off we went to a delivery room.

As I recounted in my last post, my birth experience was tough. It was long and exhausting and when it was over and my husband and our new baby an I were finally home I felt like I had been to battle and back. There was a lot of crying. Mostly tears of joy and gratitude but also from overwhelm and my hormones being out of whack! I had also fractured my tailbone during birth and sitting and standing up was (and still is) very painful. Throw sleep deprivation and learning how to care for an infant on top of that and I was really stressed. I credit Mark for getting me through those first days at home. He assured me that my hormones would eventually get better and I would feel like myself again. I kept my focus on the baby and allowed myself to process my emotions as they came up. I was coping and feeling better each day but I had a headache that just wouldn't let up. At my one week check-up I was told I was probably experiencing "nurser's neck" from bad positioning while nursing. Over the next few days I worked on perfecting my mechanics but the headache kept getting worse. It traveled from my shoulders up my neck into my head. After about a week and a half with no relief I made a call to the on-call nurse at around midnight. I just couldn't believe this was normal. She asked me to check my blood pressure to rule out postnatal preeclampsia. I drove to Walmart to use the blood pressure cuff but it wasn't working. With my head throbbing I grabbed one off the shelf and spent the forty dollars.

When I got home and checked my pressure it was ridiculously high. Something like 189/110 (normal is 120/80). We put Fox in his car seat and headed to the ER. I had no idea the nightmare I was about to endure.

At the hospital, in the ER,  I was put on an IV drip of magnesium. This was to keep me from having a seizure. They also started me on blood pressure medicine. After several hours my pressure was down a bit but not enough to release me. I was admitted back to labor and delivery.

In labor and delivery the lights were turned low to keep the room dark and I was put back on the magnesium drip and had a nurse in the room for constant monitoring. I wasn't allowed to be alone with the baby in case I seized. We hadn't eaten for hours and it didn't look like I'd be getting any food for awhile. They were going to keep me on the magnesium for 24 hours. My main concern was breast feeding the baby. I was told it was safe but that he might get drowsy from the mag. Of course this made me feel even more upset. The mag was making me feel awful, the way your body feels when you have the flu but worse. The thought of my baby feeling even a little bit that way broke my heart.

Several hours later we were transferred to ICU. Still on the drip, banned from leaving the bed, forced to use a bedpan and barely able to sit up to feed my child, I felt depressed. This wasn't how I wanted to start my new journey as a mother. It wasn't fair. I'd had such a healthy pregnancy...why was my body failing me now? I asked Mark to text my mother and let he know what was happening. When she arrived I broke down sobbing. I felt helpless.

The next day we were moved to the postpartum unit. I was finally off the magnesium and my blood pressure was at a safe number. We spent the next two days in that room while my vitals were monitored every hour. I felt scared and didn't understand how something so life threatening was expected to just correct itself. Would I always be monitoring my blood pressure now? How long before I'm off the medication? What other illnesses does this put me at risk for?

In the postpartum unit after being taken off the magnesium. Fox is in the bassinet behind me.

That was weeks ago and I'm still taking medicine to keep my pressure in check and I have to check my numbers every day. Now that I'm past the 6 weeks postpartum period my care is being transferred to a cardiologist because it's no longer considered a pregnancy related issue. Does that change my situation from postnatal preeclampsia to flat out hypertension? Does that change the outlook for my recovery? I hope to get some answers when I see the new doctor next week.

For now I am trying really hard to focus on the positive. The medications I am taking make me dizzy and give me the feeling of being weighed down but they are keeping me from having a seizure or a stroke so I can deal with it.

I tell you this story because it is important to be truthful about our experience of birth and the postpartum period. It is a way we can support one another. Women need to know that it might be hard or overwhelming or even scary if you have a health issue; and our men, our partners, need to know what to expect too. I also tell it because this is a personal blog and this is my life right now. This is what I have to share. Things haven't gone even close to what I had imagined but I am still lucky. My baby is perfect and beautiful and the most wonderful gift I could have ever imagined. Every day my body gets stronger and my thoughts more positive and my heart swells greater with this new love for my little guy.

Home with my little love.

~ Love & Light ~

Saturday, December 12, 2015

My Birth Story

Art by Amanda Greavette

On the afternoon of November 15th, a Sunday, Mark and I drove to labor and delivery at the hospital. The hope was that we would be sent right back home, but intuition told me we better pack our overnight bags. I had been leaking watery fluid for a few days by that point and had the fear that it might be amniotic fluid. Everything I read online told me I would definitely know if it was amniotic fluid but that wasn't the case for me.

At labor and delivery a quick test was done and we were told that I indeed had a ruptured water bag and would have to be admitted and induced. My heart sank. This was exactly what I did NOT want to happen. I knew induction meant the use of the synthetic oxytocin hormone called pitocin, and I also knew that in many cases pitocin was the first step in a series of interventions...the exact opposite of the natural birth I desired. To add to my dismay, my doctor wasn't there and I would have to be attended by a doctor I had never met.

Once in the delivery room, we were given permission to attempt getting labor started naturally. This came as a relief and gave me a glimmer of hope. We were provided a breast pump and spent the next 24 hours trying every natural method we could. I managed to dilate from 1cm to 5cm in that time, which is actually pretty amazing progress, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to satisfy the doctor (It was now Monday and my doctor had arrived). She was hoping I would have reached at least 8cm at that point. That is when she said that we needed to start a very small amount of pitocin to try and bring the contractions closer together. The baby wasn't showing any signs of stress, but after so many hours (days) in a leaky bag she was concerned he could get an infection. I had read over and over during my pregnancy that pitocin causes very painful contractions, so I was really upset that it had come to this. I was determined to bring my son into the world without pain medications that could leave us groggy and detached from the experience so I would just have to endure the pitocin pain. Luckily our doula was with us during this time and helped me keep it together. She talked to me between contractions and reminded me that Mark and I were the ones in control and that we had choices. Although things weren't playing out how I had imagined, she was there to remind me that it was okay.

Soon after the pitocin drip was started I could feel the contractions change. I was managing them quite well before, but now they were getting very painful. This went on for several hours but my labor wasn't progressing so my doctor broke my water and said things should really start moving now. She said we should have the baby within the next four hours. This was very exciting and I felt re-energized. But four hours came and went, the pitocin was increased, and then another four hours came and went. I felt like I had been in labor for days.

The doctor increased the pitocin one last time and put me in the SIMS position. I was in terrible pain at this point, the contractions were miserable and the SIMS position was excruciating to be in...but it worked. Within what felt like minutes of being in this position I was ready to push.

I had heard many women say that once they reached the pushing stage they felt relief, that the hard part was the hours of contractions. This wasn't true for me. Pushing was painful and hard work! I mean VERY HARD WORK. And then after maybe 20 minutes, on the evening of November 16th,  our son was ready to be born. The most rewarding part of the experience is that Mark caught the baby. He was the first person to touch Fox and was the first face our baby saw. He brought him up to my chest and I said a prayer that our son was healthy and finally in my arms. What a miracle!

A few minutes after Fox had been earth side, Mark cut the umbilical cord. Our lives were now changed forever. We had become a family.

~ Love & Light ~

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Fox Orion

Fox Orion joined us earth side on the evening of November 16th 2015. His father and I think he is the most amazing thing ever. 

I really am excited to blog about our experiences as new parents and everything we are learning along the way, but as anyone who has had a newborn knows, our focus right now is getting sleep when we can and trying to create some type of schedule again. 

I hope you'll keep checking in at the blog and following our little family as we go along. 

~ Love & Light ~

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Room Of His Own

We finally finished the nursery! What a relief to have the space exactly as I had originally planned. I know he won't be sleeping in there for the first few months but now it is there for him when we are ready to start having him sleep alone at night.

View from the door.

A blackout shade keeps the morning sun out.

Funky cuckoo clock.

Handmade wooden toys.

Dresser details. 

I love the glider. 

Woodland animals.

The crib.

The changing station.

Apparently the Wild Things are on the changing table.

Fuzzy friends.

38 weeks today! 

So there is your little glimpse of the baby room. Thanks for stopping by!

~ Love & Light ~

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Arrangements: Exploration #33

Exploration #33


Go out and collect any item you can find in abundance (leaves work well for this in the fall). Bring them home and come up with as many different ways of displaying and arranging them as possible.

I have been avoiding this assignment from How To Be An Explorer Of The World: Portable Art Life Museum by Keri Smith for a long while now. I just wasn't inspired by it. Today, however, I decided to use the abundance of Lantana seeds all over my kitchen floor to get past this task and move on to the next one. At this point I'm determined to finish all of the projects in the book no matter how long it takes! Now, I didn't "arrange" the seeds per say, but I collected them in a tiny jar to store them until spring and I will display them in the kitchen hutch. So that counts.

Lantana Seeds.

I have a bed of lantana in the front yard that we planted for the butterflies. A volunteer plant decided to take root but was way too young to make it through the winter, so we potted it and brought it indoors and will plant it outside in the spring.

A blur of seeds.

Of course, now the plant is dropping seed all over the kitchen floor.

I like to toss any seeds I collect over the back deck onto the cliff. I love that random weird plants grow there over the river. 

"When I'm working with a material, it's not just the stone [that] I'm trying to understand, not a single isolated object but nature as a whole- how the leaf has grown, how it has changed, how it has decayed, how the weather is affected by it. By working with a leaf in its place I begin to understand the processes. - Andy Goldsworthy

~ Love & Light ~

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Birth Plan: Readers Questions Answered

Many of you have had questions about how I am planning my birth; and so in today's post I will answer a few of them. I guess the first thing I will say is that these are just my vision for my ideal labor and birth. I am keeping a very open mind, knowing that things often don't go according to plan, AND these are just my preferences. If you chose to or plan to birth differently, I am not passing judgement. We are all unique and so are our choices and experiences. Now to the questions.

1. By far the most frequent question I get is whether we are doing a hospital or home birth. We put a     lot of thought into this decision and even interviewed a midwife, but ultimately we chose a hospital birth. Our doctor was a major reason for that choice. She is the best! I know she will take great care of us and I'm happy with our decision. 

2. I think the next question I get is if I plan to do a natural birth. The answer is a big YES! Honestly, I am terrified of a c-section or epidural! I have never had a broken bone or a surgery so yeah, I'm a big baby when it comes to medical interventions. I'm also a realistic person, so if I feel like pain medication is necessary of course I will use it. I'm not trying to win any medals! I just want to have the best birth experience for me, and right now that means a natural non-medicated birth. 

3. Did we hire a doula? Yes! She is kind and down to earth and very supportive. Her name is Kirsten Sengupta and for anyone in the Springfield area who needs a doula, she comes highly recommended by me! You can contact her at Shanti Birth Services. For those of you who don't know, a doula is a birth assistant. Someone who has gone through formal training and is with you through the labor and birth process to offer support that ranges from massage and other natural methods of pain management, coaching you through breathing and visualizations, bringing you water, food or chap stick, help with breastfeeding etc. etc. etc. For us, one of the main reasons we hired Kirsten is for Mark. Now he has someone there to support him and give him breaks and help him to help me. Having a doula is definitely a luxury, but I like knowing we will have someone outside of the hospital staff with us who is well aware of our birth plan.

4. Will we do a water birth? I really wanted to have a birthing tub available, but our hospital doesn't allow them. We do plan to labor at home as long as possible and I will use my own bathtub. It's kind of a bummer but it wasn't a big enough issue to sway me from birthing at the hospital. 

5. Will I breastfeed? Yes. 

6. Will I keep the placenta? No. But we will do delayed cord clamping, skin to skin right after birth and no bathing, eye ointment etc. until baby has had his first feed, rooming in (that means no nursery in the hospital, the baby stays with us at all times) and we will go home as soon as we can! 

I think that about covers it. I am always happy to answer any questions you have. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by! 

~ Love & Light ~

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Fox Medicine

Three times this summer/fall a gray fox has crossed paths with me. He lives in the forest behind the houses across the street. Having started my pregnancy with the daily visits of the bald eagle pair who winter on the river, it feels special to have this magical time draw to a close with the presence of this fox nearby. I, of course, believe that when animals make an appearance for us, that we can learn lessons or harness spiritual medicine from them. Here is what I've learned from this fox.

The following information is taken from birdclan.org.

"Fox is a master at the art of camouflage. Like all members of the canine family, they make exceptional parents. The fox's keen sight and hearing make it an excellent predator. Its tail serves as a balancing device when it stands on its hind legs to peer over the tall grass in search of a mouse, gopher, or field rat. It is a survivor, able to exist in the unpopulated countryside. Its ability to be unseen makes it a superb family protector.

Fox medicine involves adaptablility, cunning, observation, integration, and swiftness of thought and action. These traits may also include quick decisiveness, and sure-footedness in the physical world.

The Fox's ability to meld into one's surroundings and be unnotices is a powerful gift when one is observing the activities of others. This allows it to be the protector of the family unit. If danger arises, Fox is johnny-on-the-spot. Great Spirit has honored Fox with the duty of keeping the family together and safe. Fox accomplishes this through the ability to observe undetected, without making others self-conscious. Fox is always concerned with the safety of family members and is an excellent tailsman for those who travel.

Its keen eyesight also has the ability to see movement and objects on the very edges of the field of vision. Those with active fox medicine can often see Spirit, and the beings "between worlds". If this is an ability that you'd like to develop, practice at twilight and call upon fox energy to help you. With fox's super-sensitive hearing, you may also be able to hear Spirit.

With Fox medicine you know instantly what will happen next. After observing for a while, you will become aware of a certain predictability in given situations and be able to quickly make your move. Fox medicine teaches the art of Oneness through its understanding of camouflage.

Much like the clowns in the rodeo, Fox can keep the raging bull from stampeding a friend or family member. Fox can use silly tactics as a brilliant comouflage move. No one could guess the sly power behind such ingenious maneuvers.

Fox is considered to be persistent, yet is gentler and less aggressive than the wolf. Fox teaches us about feminine magic, but this does not imply that it is a totem for women. Rather, both men and women who have the fox as a totem are being told to stay in touch with the feminine side of their personality and character.

If fox shows up in your life it is a sign that you are to be aware of the actions of the world around you. The world is shape shifting and growing into new patterns all the time. Use the art of camouflage and keep cunningly silent about who and what you are observing. After observing for a while you will become aware of certain patterns of predictability in situations and you will know what to do. Fox's medicine of camouflage teaches Oneness with all."

I love all the mentions of fox being a family protector as Mark and I embark on a new chapter as parents. I also appreciate that fox teaches us about feminine magic, the ability to see spirit, and adaptability; all things I will be drawing on as a new mother. 

Below is a photo (although not the greatest) of the fox that visits me. He finally held my gaze long enough to allow me to snap him. The first time I saw him I thought that he was a very dirty red fox, but after seeing him a few more times I realized that he is definitely a gray. 

One of the best things about our decision to move home to the Ozarks has been the abundance of animal life that we encounter regularly. I always take the opportunity to learn about the animals spiritual aspects and reflect on what that means to my life at that time. Nature offers us so many gifts.

~ Love & Light ~

Friday, October 9, 2015

Iron Mama Tonic

Last month the results from my iron/hemoglobin blood test showed that my iron level was slightly low. I mean, really just slightly. My hospital likes your number to be 11 or higher. I was 10.8. Still, they recommended I take an iron supplement in case of hemorrhaging during delivery. Just to be safe. 

Now, I know a thing or two about iron supplements, and I know they can be hard on your stomach and can cause constipation. Two things I am not willing to deal with during pregnancy! I did what comes natural to a witch, and turned to my herbal allies. 

After a little bit of research, I settled on the suggestion by my favorite herbalist mentor, Susun Weed, to take yellow dock root. I didn't want to just buy the tincture, so I found a recipe for a tonic that included other iron rich supplements like molasses and nettles. The recipe is posted on yoginimomma.com and is actually an adapted version of Susun's recipe. This one is alcohol free and perfect for a pregnant woman. After drinking the tonic nightly for a month the hospital retested me and my levels are now where they should be. The nurse encouraged me to continue whatever it is I am doing. I'm happy I followed my instincts to take the natural route and I wanted to share this recipe with you too. Beyond pregnancy anemia, this tonic serves well as a supplement during your menstrual cycle to replenish lost iron, or for anyone needing to increase iron levels. Of course, if you have a medical condition, run it past your doctor first, but this gentle blend is nourishing and will not harm the system. The following is the recipe as listed on the Yogini Momma page. 



4 quarts purified water
8 oz yellow dock root
2 oz red raspberry leaf
2 oz nettles
6 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons molasses
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 

Add water to pot. Bring to a boil, then turn off burner. After the water has stopped boiling, add all the herbs, and stir them in well. Cover and let infuse for at least 8 hours, or overnight.

Strain herbs and discard. Over very low heat, steam liquid until it is reduced by half, to concentrate the tonic. This takes 2-3 hours for me. You should end up with about 4 cups of liquid, give or take. Get your clean quart jar ready, and turn the heat up, adding the honey and molasses, and bring to a quick boil before pouring it into the quart jar, topping it off with the apple cider vinegar, and sealing shut. If you pour the liquid all the way to the top while boiling hot it creates a nice vacuum seal and you can store it without refrigeration for a while. 

Dosage is 1-2 ounces a day for anemia prevention during pregnancy, it's best to continue to take this while breastfeeding, but I've read that it can be upsetting to some newborn's stomachs, so watch out for that. For anemia curing, drink 1/4-1/2 cup a day until symptoms improve."

I halved the recipe to keep smaller and fresher batches. Just half of the recipe makes a big batch and I felt like the amount the recipe calls for would be sitting in the fridge for too long. I personally am taking 1/4 cup every evening and will move to the prevention dose while I am breastfeeding. 

I hope this recipe finds you if you are in need! 

~ Love & Light ~

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Delving Into The Photo Roll

I've come to find that sometimes the easiest way to give an update about what has been going on in my life is to just open my camera roll and scroll through it.

31 weeks pregnant

If you follow me on Instagram, you have probably already seen the pics from the little photo shoot Mark and I did on our back deck last week. Here they are again for those of you who only read the blog. 

We are having a professional photo shoot taken tomorrow, but I liked these casual no make-up hanging around the house shots too.

Several weeks ago I saw a fox at the end of our road near the edge of the forest. I thought this was the coolest thing and have been hoping to see him again. Last week I walked out the front door to run an errand and there he was again; right across the street! He paused when he saw me and we held each others gaze for a few seconds before he ducked into the storm water tunnel near the road. I creeped over hoping to see him emerge but he was long gone down the tunnel. I'm happy we met again.

Fox tunnel.

Speaking of foxes, this past Saturday was the baby shower. As you might know, the nursery is woodland themed, so Alicia went with that for the shower too. Lots of fox decor and gifts! 

Devil's Tower, Wyoming 

The cake was a tree stump but it totally reminded me of Devil's Tower in Wyoming! I loved it. 

And I must say the diaper cake was the best one I've ever seen! The fox on top is wearing a tie with a fox on it and you can see an invite on the table...more foxes! 

I didn't really take any photos because I was busy enjoying myself. My sister took quite a few, so I'm sure I'll have more to share later. 

I made a mala to wear/use during labor and delivery. I used older beads I've kept over the years from jewelry of past. Rosewood (shields from negative energy), skulls of deer bone (this represents the death of my old identity as I am born into a mother), lapis lazuli (throat chakra; assist in speaking truth, open third eye), turquoise (strengthening stone, good for exhaustion, Tibetans believe it relates prayer to whatever deity is being invoked), Om pendant (the first sound of creation), bells (baby hears them in the womb and again once born. Help to transition.), blue goldstone (master healer, provides courage), quartz crystal (harmonizes all the chakras), Lord Ganesha (The Destroyer Of Obstacles, Bestower Of Success ). I am quite fond of it. 

The Blood Moon was a few nights ago. It was also a full lunar eclipse with great visibility! Mark and I watched from the front yard, and I saw TWO shooting stars during the time we were out there. The next morning I woke to a thick fog rolling over there river. It was lovely. 

And I got a hair cut...I'm growing it extra long so really just a trim. The stylist complimented "the awesome color job" I had to laugh because it is just a three dollar bottle of Sun-In that creates this color. Nice to hear a pro say it looks good though. 

That's it for this trip through the photo roll! Tomorrow we welcome October! My favorite month of the year! 

~ Love & Light ~

Monday, September 21, 2015

It's Prep Time!

Moonbelly 31 Weeks

With only seven or eight weeks left of pregnancy, I have been spending some time preparing the room I plan to labor in. I'm going to use my yoga studio as the primary space, while also spending time on the deck overlooking the river. Here are the things I've been collecting for that fateful day.

Top athletes use coconut water for optimal performance.

Staying hydrated while you labor is super important and I've enlisted coconut water as my ally for that purpose. I'd also like to have some aged barley miso soup ready when the time comes.

The guest bed.

The former guest room is now the nursery, and instead of putting the bed in the basement, we moved it to the yoga studio so I can use it during labor. We ordered a waterproof bed pad to go on it in case my water breaks while I'm lying there. And yes...I was too lazy to make the bed for this photo.

The altar.

My altar is in the studio, and for the past year it has been holding items representing fertility, and birth. A nice focal point to have in the room that was specifically put together to welcome the soul who chose us as parents. When I first assembled it, it was with the intention of getting pregnant quickly and now it will be with me as my baby begins his journey earth side.

Art by Catie Atkinson 

Inspiring birth art by Catie Atkinson will be adorning the room. She is the talented woman who made my pregnancy journal. I love love love her style. Her works can be viewed and purchased at her ETSY store Spirit & Sol.

Yoga gear.

Yoga mats, cushions and blankets to assits in the many positions I'm sure I'll find myself in.

Exercise Ball.

An exercise ball to sit on and rock my hips. This is supposed to help gravity move the baby down. I actually really love this thing and know I will use it a lot even after the birth.

Lavender essential oil.

Organic lavender essential oil for diffusing. Veriditas Botanicals is my favorite essential oil company. The best.

Always need a book.

A book of yoga poses and guided meditations for early labor.

Corn bag.

My neighbor gave me one of those groovy cloth bags filled with hard corn kernels. It can be heated or put in the freezer and used cold. Very helpful little tool.

I also put a fan in the room and will probably have some New Age music streaming off Pandora. Maybe a candle or two. Or, maybe I won't care about any of these things? You can't predict the unknown, but you can plan for your vision. Do any of you have suggestions for things to make labor easier? What worked for or helped you? Ultimately I'll be having my boy at the hospital, but I plan to stay home with our doula as long as possible. I would love any ideas or inspiration you have to share. 

31 Weeks.

~ Love & Light ~

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Mindful Mom-To-Be

The Mindful Mom-To-Be by Lori Bregman.

I haven't been writing any "currently reading" posts over the past seven months because pretty much ALL I have been reading are pregnancy books. And frankly...a lot of them kinda sucked. I thought about doing my top 5 (I've read over a dozen at this point) but most of the books on pregnancy that I really love are classics that everyone already knows about, like Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin. I decided not to write about pregnancy books, but then one I had ordered from Amazon showed up. A new book published this year that some of you might not have heard of. And it is really good! My new favorite. The Mindful Mom-To-Be: A Modern Doula's Guide To Building A Healthy Foundation From Pregnancy Through Birth by Lori Bregman. So if you are pregnant or have a friend who is, this is my number one book recommendation.

Lori is a doula out in Santa Monica, CA. and founder of the Rooted for Life pregnancy coaching program. I am a fan of her book namely because I love how the chapters are broken down into months of pregnancy. Each month/chapter contains tips, recipes, exercises and coping advice specific for that phase of your pregnancy journey. She also conveys a more modern and spiritual side that is missing from a lot of the other books I read.

So there it is. My number one pick. I hope I'm not boring you to death with too many pregnancy posts. Thursday I'll be 30 weeks along, so before long you'll only be bored with baby posts! Seriously though, thanks for stopping by and having a read. Eventually I'll get regular with publishing content again, and who knows what the future holds ~ I've been feeling the urge to overhaul the blog or start from scratch. So much change in my life makes me feel called to change up the blog too. Everything in its time.

~ Love & Light ~

Saturday, August 22, 2015

My Yoga Works

I haven't had much to say about yoga lately and that's because since becoming pregnant I haven't really been doing any. After the first month, yoga just made me feel sick. To clarify, any position where my head was under my heart made me feel faint and weak. My doctor told me to just skip it and stick with walking and other mild cardio. I didn't argue.

Skip six months down the road (Six months! How? What is this warp speed?) and I find myself in the third trimester of this journey. I feel good, I feel healthy, but I definitely don't feel in shape. With labor and delivery sooner than later, I am feeling a need to up my game and get some strength back.

As luck would have it, I received a free three month subscription promo to an online yoga class site called MyYogaWorks.com. A $45.00 value and they didn't require a credit card number, so no need to worry about canceling after the three months is up. Why not? Surely I could do the most basic class they offered. I signed up, and went searching for prenatal classes.

Not only does MyYogaWorks.com offer prenatal and postnatal classes, but an entire library of Journey Series. This is my favorite aspect of the site. The Journey Series I selected is called Journey To Birth. It is a set of seven classes and you can customize them for beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Other examples in the Journey Series are Partner Yoga, Nap Time Yoga For Moms, Office Yoga and many more.

I'm not gonna lie. Even the beginner sessions have been challenging for me and I have to modify. I've got pregnancy carpal tunnel, so my downward dog is on my forearms, and I double up the blankets under my knees just to do cat-cow. But it is something and for now that is enough. Would I pay to subscribe to the site? I'm not sure yet. I'm a fan of the free site DoYogaWithMe.com and although they don't offer the cool Journey Series, they have a lot to choose from. For now, I am enjoying using a different site and new instructors. If you prefer to do a home practice instead of going to the studio, MyYogaWorks.com might be perfect for you or make a great gift for someone new to yoga. If you check out a class, let me know what you think! 

~ Love & Light ~