Friday, October 9, 2015

Iron Mama Tonic

Last month the results from my iron/hemoglobin blood test showed that my iron level was slightly low. I mean, really just slightly. My hospital likes your number to be 11 or higher. I was 10.8. Still, they recommended I take an iron supplement in case of hemorrhaging during delivery. Just to be safe. 

Now, I know a thing or two about iron supplements, and I know they can be hard on your stomach and can cause constipation. Two things I am not willing to deal with during pregnancy! I did what comes natural to a witch, and turned to my herbal allies. 

After a little bit of research, I settled on the suggestion by my favorite herbalist mentor, Susun Weed, to take yellow dock root. I didn't want to just buy the tincture, so I found a recipe for a tonic that included other iron rich supplements like molasses and nettles. The recipe is posted on and is actually an adapted version of Susun's recipe. This one is alcohol free and perfect for a pregnant woman. After drinking the tonic nightly for a month the hospital retested me and my levels are now where they should be. The nurse encouraged me to continue whatever it is I am doing. I'm happy I followed my instincts to take the natural route and I wanted to share this recipe with you too. Beyond pregnancy anemia, this tonic serves well as a supplement during your menstrual cycle to replenish lost iron, or for anyone needing to increase iron levels. Of course, if you have a medical condition, run it past your doctor first, but this gentle blend is nourishing and will not harm the system. The following is the recipe as listed on the Yogini Momma page. 



4 quarts purified water
8 oz yellow dock root
2 oz red raspberry leaf
2 oz nettles
6 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons molasses
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 

Add water to pot. Bring to a boil, then turn off burner. After the water has stopped boiling, add all the herbs, and stir them in well. Cover and let infuse for at least 8 hours, or overnight.

Strain herbs and discard. Over very low heat, steam liquid until it is reduced by half, to concentrate the tonic. This takes 2-3 hours for me. You should end up with about 4 cups of liquid, give or take. Get your clean quart jar ready, and turn the heat up, adding the honey and molasses, and bring to a quick boil before pouring it into the quart jar, topping it off with the apple cider vinegar, and sealing shut. If you pour the liquid all the way to the top while boiling hot it creates a nice vacuum seal and you can store it without refrigeration for a while. 

Dosage is 1-2 ounces a day for anemia prevention during pregnancy, it's best to continue to take this while breastfeeding, but I've read that it can be upsetting to some newborn's stomachs, so watch out for that. For anemia curing, drink 1/4-1/2 cup a day until symptoms improve."

I halved the recipe to keep smaller and fresher batches. Just half of the recipe makes a big batch and I felt like the amount the recipe calls for would be sitting in the fridge for too long. I personally am taking 1/4 cup every evening and will move to the prevention dose while I am breastfeeding. 

I hope this recipe finds you if you are in need! 

~ Love & Light ~

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