Wednesday, January 2, 2013


A new year is here. Full of hope and anticipation for the future. I love this time of year, it feels like we get a do-over, a chance to wipe the slate clean... resolve to eat better, exercise more and give up our vices. A cleansing. A time to reflect and welcome challenge and ultimately, change.

I didn't write out any resolutions this year...something I have done for all of my adult life. I suppose this year I want to let go of expectations and just enjoy the ride. I want to learn to slow down and really, truly pay attention. I want to be kind to myself and let go of self- criticism. This year is about reconnecting with ME (and not feeling selfish about it either). If knowing love is the reason for our human BEING, then I am well on my way, but to love another, no matter how deeply or how true can never be enough if first you do not love yourself.

I will remember and honor and love the healer, the teacher, eager student, intuitive, loyal, fierce, and magnificent creature that I AM.

~Love & Light~

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