Friday, September 20, 2013

Meaningful Traditions

We are entering the holiday season soon! We begin with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, next is Christmas (Hanukkha or Kwanza) and finally we welcome the New Year. Not everyone acknowledges these occasions and I myself never made much of an attempt to embrace them beyond my childhood. Now, in my thirties, living once again in the area I grew up in, near my family and happily married, these opportunities to spend time with family creating memories and solidifying traditions have new meaning and importance to me.

Some of the holidays Mark and I look forward to hosting in our home, others in the homes of our parents. A few of the holidays we like to keep to ourselves, just the two of us (Halloween is all about curling up on the couch watching scary movies). This will only be our second year together as a married couple and so we are still forming and molding our traditions and bringing our families together in the process. In 2013 I would like to begin to focus on a more sustainable holiday season by making gifts, using recycled materials or shopping second hand. I want our families traditions to include a respect for Mother Earth and a conscious decision to be low impact. 

What are some of the traditions you and your family have created over the years? Do you maintain any from your childhood that you have passed on to your own kids? Recipes, art projects, destinations you visit, movies you watch, songs you sing? I would love to hear how you and yours share the joy of the season together. If you have any "green" tips for the holidays I would love to hear about that too!

~ Love & Light ~ 

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