Saturday, November 3, 2012

She Drives Me Crazy

Our hound Penny is the cutest dog in town (smelly mouth and all). I really do love her but half the time I am trying to hold back my desire to strangle her (this is a figure of speech PETA, relax). She is almost six months old and is still way more puppy than adult. She is curious about everything, wants to put all things on the floor in her smelly mouth (shoes are her favorite snack), and has somehow managed to teach herself how to open the trash can lid. These things I can live with and I know that as she matures she will be less ornery BUT her most annoying habit is her inability to let us sleep in the mornings. Now, Mark is a Godsend and gets up at the crack of dawn to take her out to do her business but if once back in her playpen she decides she doesn't want to go back to sleep, NO ONE sleeps. She cries and barks and slams her body against the pen. It is absolutely impossible to sleep through this racket. Then once she drags you out of bed she wants you to run around and play with her for HOURS! She never seems to tire!

As I type this she is eating wood chunks off the fireplace hearth. Is this good for her health? It couldn't be any worse than digesting the sole of a shoe or passing the bits of plastic she swallows because she EATS her toys. These little details would have worried me when we first brought her home and I would have gone out of my way to prevent them from happening, but currently as long as she isn't peeing on the floor or eating the furniture, eh...she's fine.

I really, really do love my hound dog and I know if I keep telling myself this over and over again I won't have room to think anything else. On the bright side I have a new mantra for meditation class.
I DO love my dog. I DO love my dog. I DO love my dog. I DO love my dog. OMMMMM.

~Love & Light~

Penny (a.k.a. Beelzebub)

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