Finley River Bridge and Dam. |
Penny and I decided to go exploring the other day. Not surprisingly, we ended up down by the old Ozark Mill. Penny was hot on the scent-trail of a gopher ( I decided this because of all of the giant gopher holes everywhere) and I followed along patiently, letting her exercise her natural instinct. When we reached an area of the mill yard that had a "No Trespassing" sign I decided to be mischievous. We ducked under the rope with the attached sign and found ourselves on the forbidden backside of the mill.
Entering the "No Trespassing" area. |
Once behind the mill, I was able to see the dam from a view you just can't get unless you are willing to break the rules. It really is a pretty sight. The sound of the rushing water is exhilarating. I tried to capture it in the following video.
I took a few shots of the area, I would have liked to take more but Penny was having too much fun running around for me to spend a lot of time playing photographer. Click on the images to enlarge them.
Old stones in the water. |
A different view of the dam. |
I was surprised to see shells all along the river bank and collected a pocket full. I found shells from small mussels, snails, and even a smoothed piece of sea colored glass. After collecting the shells and letting Penny investigate the area a little longer, I decided we'd better move on before local law enforcement stopped by to move us out. On the way home I tried to get a photo of me with the hound but she just cannot sit still.
First try. |
Second try. |
Shells I collected on the riverbank. |
That wraps up our little adventure. I hope you're out exploring your neck of the woods, wherever you may be!
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