Monday, January 6, 2014

Dreaming About The Big Island

Lava flow spilling into the ocean

I think I finally may have kicked the stubborn cold that I have been battling for nearly two weeks. It has been an unfortunate way to start 2014 but I am not going to let it set the tone for the rest of January. Onward and upward. 

Today in Oz it is around 3º outside. I wanted to work on my next exploration project but it is involved and I'll need to be outside. I just have to be patient and wait for it to warm up. Meanwhile, I have been entertaining the idea of moving someplace warm like Hawaii or Costa Rica. Mostly Hawaii. The Big Island. I am taking my fantasy as far as looking at properties on Craigslist and watching videos on Youtube. I've never even been to Hawaii but I am having a fun time dreaming about it. 

Maybe the weather is just getting to me. Cabin fever. The idea of warm beaches and sitting outside to write everyday is so enticing. Words like Gecko, Avocado, Volcano, Hilo...I am enjoying toying with the thought of these things. I mean, could you imagine how many beautiful things you could see if you lived there full time? I think a visit is in order soon. 

I decided I needed to do something other than read/watch movies about/look at pictures of Hawaii today, so I am passively watching a documentary film about Francesca Woodman. Her photography is inspirational to say the least. It doesn't take a trained eye to detect the magnitude of her brilliance. The film is called The Woodmans and you can stream it on Netflix. 

Photo by Francesca Woodman

Photo by Francesca Woodman

Photo by Francesca Woodman

I hope to be getting back into a regular routine again by next week. All these days of being sick have led to me sleeping in later an later. I needed the rest, of course, but I was doing so well at getting up at seven every morning. Time to start enjoying the sunrise again. Last of all I will mention that the river is frozen all the way through. It is really beautiful. As much as I dislike the cold temperatures and dry air I cannot ignore the beauty of the river in the winter. I took the short video clip and photos below yesterday before the water froze. I was having fun watching the geese and listening to them honk at each other. 

If you look near the bank you will see a few of the babies.


~ Love & Light ~

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