Exploration #33
Go out and collect any item you can find in abundance (leaves work well for this in the fall). Bring them home and come up with as many different ways of displaying and arranging them as possible.
I have been avoiding this assignment from
How To Be An Explorer Of The World: Portable Art Life Museum by Keri Smith for a long while now. I just wasn't inspired by it. Today, however, I decided to use the abundance of Lantana seeds all over my kitchen floor to get past this task and move on to the next one. At this point I'm determined to finish all of the projects in the book no matter how long it takes! Now, I didn't "arrange" the seeds per say, but I collected them in a tiny jar to store them until spring and I will display them in the kitchen hutch. So that counts.
Lantana Seeds. |
I have a bed of lantana in the front yard that we planted for the butterflies. A volunteer plant decided to take root but was way too young to make it through the winter, so we potted it and brought it indoors and will plant it outside in the spring.
A blur of seeds. |
Of course, now the plant is dropping seed all over the kitchen floor.
I like to toss any seeds I collect over the back deck onto the cliff. I love that random weird plants grow there over the river.
"When I'm working with a material, it's not just the stone [that] I'm trying to understand, not a single isolated object but nature as a whole- how the leaf has grown, how it has changed, how it has decayed, how the weather is affected by it. By working with a leaf in its place I begin to understand the processes. - Andy Goldsworthy
~ Love & Light ~