Sri Yantra |
What exactly is the Sri Yantra? (pronounced Shree-Untra) You can look to
Wikipedia for the long and detailed description, but in short, Sri Yantra is a "sacred instrument". The Sri Yantra is a 12,000 year old geometric tantric ritual drawing used for meditation, concentration and creating one's desired outcomes, as described by
Amish Shah. It isn't just the spiritual and metaphysical community that makes these claims though, much scientific evidence has been drawn to support the power of the Sri Yantra (If you're interested in the scientific studies, you will easily find them online).
What I would like to share today are the 9 levels of the Sri Yantra and how they can help you. The following descriptions of the 9 levels or layers of Sri Yantra are based off of descriptions by Amish Shah (he is a super groovy Inc. 500 entrepreneur and Reality Bender). Following each description is a question to ask yourself while meditating on the Sri Yantra and focusing on the meaning of each level. If you like what you read in this post you might be interested in Amish Shah's
Project Yourself community. I urge you to check it out.
Sri Yantra in color. Art by Ashutosh Goyal |
The above image is small, I know, but it has the best color representation to help you as I outline the 9 levels of Sri Yantra. By meditating on this image regularly, it is believed that you will create the life you desire. Let's get started.
Level 1: Earth Square (the green area surrounding the circle). This level corresponds to the 1st chakra (pronounced Chuck-Ra) located at the base of the spine. It represents grounding and security in your life and is connected to success. Use it to connect to your core, bringing you more vitality, courage and self confidence. Do you really know what you want in life? Or are you disconnected and unfulfilled?
Level 2: Sacral Chakra or 2nd chakra found in the middle of the pelvis. These are the 16 (yellow in our diagram) petals of the Sri Yantra. These petals represent the different types of energies and powers through which your soul understands, interacts, and explores the outside world. Your second chakra is the foundation of your emotional body - it represents sexual and creative energy. What do you desire...what do you really want? Financial liberation, health, love?
Level 3: Solar Plexus Chakra or third chakra found behind your belly button. The 8 (pink in our diagram) lotus petals of the Sri Yantra. This level represents your personal power and self confidence. What do you need to make what you want happen? Money? Life partner?
Level 4: Heart Chakra or 4th chakra found at the heart center. This level is represented by 14 (blue in our diagram) triangles and is connected to your heart. This chakra represents unconditional love. Here you can harness the very energy channels contained within your body to bring everything you truly need to make your desired reality happen. Who or what do you need help from to access what you want? Do you feel like you need more creativity, education or experience to get you where you want to go? Do you need a mentor, trainer or coach? Do you need more peace of mind? Attention to detail?
Level 5: Throat Chakra or 5th chakra located at the base of the neck. It is represented by the 10 (red in our diagram) triangles of the Sri Yantra. This level correlates with communication, self expression, and truthfulness. It helps you speak your truth, balance the flow of communication, wisdom, and learning all around you. What do you need to attract to actually implement what you really want? Are there resources you're lacking and just don't know how to find?
Level 6: Talu Chakra - a lesser known chakra at the medulla oblongata, the base of your brain. It is represented by the 10 (black in our diagram) inner triangles of the Sri Yantra. The trigger point of the Talu Chakra is in the roof of the pallet in the back of your mouth. This chakra connects us to the astral world as both a receiver of astral consciousness, as well as the main conduit in our communications with astral entities. What protections do you need so that you don't get knocked back down?
Level 7: Third eye or 6th chakra located in the center of the forehead (pineal gland). It is represented by 8 (green in our diagram) triangles. This chakra is connected to your ability to tap into your greater powers of perception and clairvoyance. What is affecting your life negatively? DO you feel you just can't get ahead? A sense of negativity but no real idea of the source? Maybe you need to stop treating someone badly or someone needs to stop treating YOU badly?
Level 8: Crown or 7th chakra located at the center of the crown of your head. This level represents your divinity, spiritual being, and portal to the cosmos. It's correlated to the 8th level of the Sri Yantra represented by the (yellow in our diagram) primary inverted triangle. What would you need to accomplish to be truly happy? What current "reality" do you need to detach from in order to accomplish what you want?...the belief that you aren't good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, skinny enough?
Level 9: Bindu (Sanskrit term meaning "point" or "dot"). Represented by a red dot in the center of our diagram in the Sri Yantra. Are you completely clear and joyous about what will make you the most happy? Without this certainty and positivity, what you want and desire will continue to elude you.
Okay, so those are the 9 Levels of the Sri Yantra as described by Amish (and tweaked by me). You may be asking yourself, "That's great, Leanne, but what do we do once we've answered the questions and meditated on this Sri Yantra thing?" Well, fair question. In today's age of instant gratification and access to technology and information, we think we need immediate answers to all of life's questions. If that were the case we would all be fat (er...thin?) and happy. The truth is, the answers to those really important questions come from within, and one of the ways to get there is through meditation. By focusing on the Sri Yantra, thinking about the meaning of each level, and asking ourselves these important questions we begin to hear the answers within that will unlock all of the closed doors that we have come upon thus far, breaking down any and all barriers keeping us from living our ideal lives.
You can find many different prints, posters and art pieces of the Sri Yantra online if you would like to buy one for your home or meditation space. Easier still, you could just print off an image and hang it somewhere you will see it every day. Either way I hope you might do some research about the Sri Yantra on your own and maybe even incorporate it into your meditation practice.
~ Love & Light ~