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Would you like to know a little bit about me? Get a feel for who Leanne really is? Well, say no more! Now, I'm not offering to have lunch with you and talk to you face to face like they did in the good ole days, but I will offer up a slew of links to my other social media, and webpages where you can investigate on your own. Because like you, I too am in all the other places.
Pinterest is pretty cool. I have a bad habit of deleting my boards if I change my mind about where I want to live or go next...like, I allow my RV board to remain because I still plan to do that one day but my Dreams of Oregon had to go bye bye because I'm not sure I REALLY want to live there. OCD, I know. If you want to see my boards anyhow, you can find them at http://pinterest.com/leanneandmark/.
Let's see, I've mentioned Dreamcatcher in a previous post. If you like that kind of thing my dreamcatcher is http://dreamcatcher.net/nightpiper.
Now that we are all professional photographers and can put groovy filters on all our selfies, I'm sure you'll want to look at my Instagram too. I am http://instagram.com/lmj14.
You like books? Me too! Check out my Goodreads page...http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/20015862-leanne-mark.
Movies? I've got you covered with Getglue...http://getglue.com/MarkAndLeanne.
Fashion? Polyvore is where it's at...http://leanne-et-mark.polyvore.com/.
Of course, like every good American, I have a Facebook page. My privacy settings are like Fort Knox though so you won't see much without being on the friends list. If you think we should be friends through FB you can follow me on my writers page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Leanne-Jernigan/448601211902947?ref=hl.
The place I spend the MOST time online would probably have to be Tumblr. I can scroll for days. If you would like to view my collection of Beautiful Things, they can be found at http://infinityserpent.tumblr.com/.
Now for the places I visit less often, because really? Ain't nobody got time for that!
I have an ETSY shop but it is currently empty. I'm planning to add items in the next week or two so do drop in from time to time...https://www.etsy.com/shop/GypsyBooksAndThrift.
Twitter. I think I've tweeted twice. I really only signed up to follow Amanda Bynes but now that she is in the looney bin I think I need more friends or nest mates or whatever it is called on Twitter. I'm here...https://twitter.com/LeanneAndMark.
And I'm a stumbler at StumbleUpon...http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/ljourneyagain.
I'm also on Cinemagram and Vine but really just to see what other people are doing. I'm less comfortable with the video thing.
A few apps are worth mentioning as well. Mark and I just started using MapMyWalk. My sister Sara and her husband Scott tipped us off on this one. If walking is a part of your routine this is a fun way to track your miles and calories burned. My favorite app of all is a language learning tool called MindSnacks. I am using it to get a grasp on some Spanish but you could use it to learn German, Italian, French, Portuguese, Chinese or Japanese. Putting the learning process into a game format makes things stick better for us right brained people.
Hmmhm. That should be enough ME to make anybody sick. If you spend time at any of these sites I hope we can connect. Photo sharing and blogging can't give you the true sense of who a person is but it sure is fun! I'll see you guys around in all the other places.
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How do I turn this off? |
~ Love & Light ~