Recently I have been dedicating more time to my yoga practice at home. Although my yoga teacher has declined an offer to teach in India and will be staying in Springfield, (this makes me happy, I'm selfish...I know) she is only offering one evening class a week and mornings just won't work with my schedule right now. One class a week with an awesome teacher is great but I need to be doing yoga everyday!
I am super blessed to have a nice sized spare room here at Chigger Chalet that we have turned into our Yogate Studio (yoga + karate = Yogate). I have no excuses not to be practicing at home. As luck would have it I stumbled upon a great website called
Do Yoga With Me. This site houses hundreds of free yoga videos for all levels! Each video is ranked for either beginner, intermediate, or advanced and meditation videos are offered as well. All of the classes I have watched so far have been taught by quality teachers and are easy to follow. I highly recommend
Do Yoga With Me if you are looking for a starting place or to enhance your home practice. Namaste'.
Wheel Pose in the Yogate Studio |
~ Love & Light ~